Just a quick update as to where things stand on the Empire of the Wolf trilogy for those perennial will-he-finish-the-series? worriers:
Book 1 - obviously this is about to be released to the masses. The official release dates are 22 Feb USA, 24 Feb UK, with other countries falling somewhere on or between that spectrum; that said, I'm aware that people are already starting to receive their copies so these dates seem to have become at least partially meaningless
Book 2 - the first draft (about 150,000 words) of this is currently with James and Bradley, my UK and US editors respectively. I submitted it about a month or so ago. Nothing to do on this until I get it back; I'm told this will be around the end of February.
Book 3 - whilst book 2 is being edited, I have made a start on book 3. Currently this is around 35,000 words. I normally aim for my novels to be about 130-150,000 words. I suspect this one will be longer as book 3s tend to be, but I'm trying to keep a fairly tight grip on it.
I'm currently expecting that books 2 and 3 will be completely finished this year.
And... that's it! That's the update.